With the release of Halo 3, Bungie has now completed the Epic Halo Trilogy. Halo 3 concludes the tale for Master Chief and his alien sidekick Cortana. Bungie has certainly upped the ante when they made the final installment. A lot of the components of Halo 3 are familiar to old previous player, although some of the new weapons and terrains take some getting used to. In Halo 3, the Normal levels are easier than in Halo 2. This is because of Bungie’s effort to reach an audience of casual players. So, we suggest that if you have played Halo in the past (even in a Normal Level) try to challenge yourself and play Legendary or Heroic.
New challenges abound in the world of Halo 3. If you are new to the game or just haven’t played in a while, you are bound to start of your experience by dying frequently. To help you along, here are tips on surviving Halo 3:
Master your gadgets – With any game, you must know how to handle your weapons. Master it so that you can whip it out in a blink of an eye. It is also important to know which weapons you should use for a particular opponent. Halo 3 has a very useful feature - the dual wielding ability that allows you to handle two weapons at the same time. Master this feature and use it wisely.
Know your enemies – Like knowing your weapons you should also know your enemies. Some of them are easier to destroy than others. Some panic under pressure and others fall apart when you destroy the Brute leader. Another important tip when killing an opponent is to Aim for its Head. Hitting the head will require fewer shots from your part to take them down as compared with making body shots.
Get familiar with your surroundings – learn the ins and outs of your surroundings. Figure out where you can hide to shield yourself from enemy onslaught and try looking around to find bonus items you can use. Also, beware of the Skulls. The Skulls are important because they multiply your points, but they also have effects that range from helpful, or sometimes silly to downright frightening. Don’t hesitate to pick up a skull, they multiply points, just beware of their effects.
Author: Robert
Source: www.articlesbase.com
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Kamis, 25 Oktober 2007
Surviving Halo 3
Senin, 08 Oktober 2007
Understanding The Myths of Plasma TV
Just as with nearly everything else, there are myths circulating about lightweight, flat panel Plasma TV screens. Understanding the myth of plasma screens and high altitudes has to do with knowing that plasma screens were developed to perform their best located near or at sea level altitudes. Therefore, it makes sense that a plasma TV would have to work harder at higher altitudes to compensate for the difference of exterior pressure.
This compensation results in the generation of heat, which in turn turns on the screens built in cooling fans, which may or may not be included in any particular system. If the Plasma TV screen has cooling fans, they usually transmit a reverberated hum. Hearing a definite buzzing sound signals that the plasma TV does have cooling fans. It is also understandable that the life span of a plasma TV be to some extent shortened.
However, some plasma TVs shows resilience in running at paramount condition of up to 5000 feet, which is pretty good. Technology works every hour developing new innovations for our use. If they can hang Plasma TV's on the wall, they'll soon be hanging Plasma TV's on the walls atop mountains.
Talk with your local dealer over information concerning high altitudes, and be open to buying an LCD or DLP with thin flat screen panels, if there isn't an available plasma TV for your location. Remember the more an item is requested, the more likely the demand for that item will be satisfied. Your local plasma TV dealer would have the most up to date information concerning these and other issues, so be sure to ask.
Understanding the myth of leaking plasma TV's, has to do with knowing that it is not possible for gas to leak from its sealed pixel celled structure. Each element of the plasma screen is separate from the others by being sealed as well as the changing plates are sealed. When an unusual amount of pixel space of the screen display goes dark it is not possible to just fill it up again. Plasma gas does not refill, the complete panel should be replaced.
Understanding the myth of Plasma TV's adaptability with an old VCR has to do with knowing that made for consumer use plasma TV are adaptable with an old VCR which has a component video outputs, AV and S-Video. Unfortunately, VHS is to slow in resolution with an inconsistent and poor color quality for entertaining pleasure on a Plasma TV.
Understanding the myth of Mercury poisoning has to do with knowing that you are more likely to come in contact by eating fish with traces of mercury weekly, than to have a reaction to a scant amount of container filled mercury of a TV viewing screen.
Understanding the myth of energy use has to do with knowing that studies show that the energy use of both the Plasma and LCD TV's function more or less the same.
By: davet
Article Source: http://www.articlemap.com
Free sms online?
Unquestionably, the cellular phone can be considered to be the most practical invention of 20th century. It really improves our life with its countless functions, one of which is the immensely helpful SMS or Short Messaging Service. SMS is the typical expression for the technology which equips people with the ability to receive and send text messages via mobile phones.
With modern technological advancements, free worldwide sms messages can now be dispatched on a universal level anywhere in the world owing to the numerous online service providers. And the best part is that you do not even need a cell phone in case you possess a computer. You only register with the information you want on any of the sites that offer free SMS service and just read and follow the basic directions. There is a space for the cellular number of the recipient, together with the required space for the message. It is dependant upon the free sms provider, but generally, the determined number of words accepted is generally set at 137 characters. But, some India sms providers permit even more than this. SMS messages may allow words, any numbers or any alphanumeric grouping. Furthermore, binary format is frequently accepted.
A few free sms service providers give out innumerable bonus services to senders, such as submission verifications or replies. This way, you may track the messages you sent and ascertain when it gets received. Moreover, if you check replies, the recipients might even reply back to you. This two-way sms communication without paying a dime is made possible only through a free SMS service provider on the net.
In view of the fact that you normally must pay to send out SMS, sending free of charge, international SMS through online sms service providers is a great, nifty way to interact with family and friends. For instance, In the UK, messages cost can mount to 0.10, and with people sending dozens of messages each day, costs can mount up.
Furthermore, writing a text message through your cell phone simply takes too long if compared to using the keyboard. Even on highly cutting-edge cell phones with innovative predictive text messaging, it can be really complex and time-consuming to write a message. Just think how quick it is to type a message on your computer keyboard, it is much quicker than using your mobile phone.
Considering they are free, some messaging services are reliable, some do not work at all, and others are rather sluggish. Furthermore, many services will add and advert to the bottom of the message, although this really does not cause much problem, since, it really doesn`t reduce the number of allowed characters.
Be pretty careful when you apply for a free SMS service. Not all are as free as they declare to be, some send paid sms messages to your phone, making the service very expensive.
By: Milos Pesic
Article Source: http://www.articlemap.com
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Labels: Short messaging service, SMS
HD-DVD and Blu-ray
DVDs continue to be the prominent medium for home theater entertainment. The technology is being refined and improved upon by a number of manufacturers, making its future slightly uncertain though it is definitely clear that it will continue is one format or another. Many of you have probably been hearing about Blu-ray and HD-DVD discs and their path as the next generation of DVDs. The discrepancies between the two are confusing many home theater buyers, so it’s important to know just what each of these new technologies has to offer so that you can make an informed decision on what to purchase and when.
Let’s start by discussing just what Blu-ray is. Chances are, if you’ve stepped into any of the leading home theater and electronics stores in the country, you’ve seen Blu-ray discs advertised in the DVD section. In truth, Blu-ray discs are somewhat like traditional DVDs, except that they have the ability to record, rewrite, and playback high definition (HD) video that is compatible with the growing number of HD televisions finding their way into home theaters every year. Unlike traditional DVDs, Blu-ray discs can hold nearly five times as much data. On a single layer disc, they can hold 25GB of data, and 50GB can be stored on a dual layer disc. By being able to hold so much more, Blu-ray discs are able to easily store the advanced information necessary to provide content in HD format.
HD-DVD offers the same technology, though it isn’t able to hold as much information as Blu-ray. Developed by Toshiba and NEC, it is able to hold three times as much data as traditional DVDs. While this may be less than Blu-ray, the data capacity of HD-DVDs still exceeds the amount needed to watch major blockbusters in high-definition. HD-DVD also came out much sooner and was first quoted to be the successor to the standard DVD format. HD-DVD is completely compatible with HD-DVD players, which in turn are compatible with HD televisions. High definition technology is certainly the wave of the future for home entertainment, and HD-DVD was the first disc technology formatted for it.
Both Blu-ray and HD-DVD discs use a new form of laser that improves on what the standard DVD used. While older, standard DVD models used a red laser to transfer content from disc to player to screen, these two technologies use a blue-violet laser instead. The main benefit with using blue-violet lasers is that they have a shorter wavelength than red lasers. This means that they can be focused with a much higher rate of accuracy.
As you can see the differences between these two formats are very few, In short, Blu-ray is able to hold more information than HD-DVD, but HD-DVD has been around for much longer and still holds an adequate amount for any applications currently in the market. Both formats use blue-violet lasers to better read the information.
The biggest question right now is which format will end up on top. Blu-ray has the added advantage of being backed up by some major players in the movie business. Seven of the eight major Hollywood movie studios have released films in Blu-ray format recently, while five of them are releasing films exclusively on Blu-ray. HD-DVD has the backing of several major consumer electronics manufacturers but does have some ground to make up with the production companies. However, with the added experience of being in production longer and having consumers more familiar with the name, it’s very possible for them to pull ahead. The race to be the top home entertainment format will continue on and the consumer will simply need to wait to see which one wins. In the meantime, players are available for both formats and some manufacturers have players that satisfy both formats available.
Ben Anton, 2007
Article Source: http://www.articlemap.com
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