One to watch
Suunto Lumi Sportif
Watches generally come in two types – delicate, pretty and just about tells the time if you squint a bit; and big, ugly and fantastically useful. Suunto have done the previously-thought-impossible and come out with a performance watch for active gals that doesn't put you in mind of Shrek's ears. In fact, it's rather fetching to our eyes. It packs an impressive list of features – altimeter, barometer and other stuff to help you predict weather conditions, a compass, day counter, four-language menu and a Storm Alarm. (We could do with that – the slightest drizzle and children run screaming from the sight of our hair.) But it's a pretty piece too, and you can choose replacement straps and a pendant attachment. Almost makes us want to take up outdoorsy stuff. Almost.
Sony Ericsson K770i Purple
£159.99/on contract
Fashion is so fickle, though, isn't it? One minute they're all, "Brown is totally this season's colour. Totally". And then they're like, "Purple is where it's at, brown is lamer than leggings with cowboy boots". Witness the rebirth (alright, respraying) of the slightly special Sony Ericsson K770i, which is going to be available in the Princely shade from October 17th, exclusively on 3. There's still the luscious 3.2 megapixel Cyber-shot camera and 256MB memory poured into the slender case. Dita Von Teese may be the only woman living who wouldn't look like a walking knee-bruise in purple, but a plum-coloured phone you can probably get away with. Still, those fashion types – they're so mauve, we don't know what they're planning.
So, fancy a purple phone but don't wanna do the Sony Ericsson thing? No problem! Head to the bottom of the page and enter our fantastic competition for a new Samsung F210!
Standby Buster
We're kind of big on our green gadgets, and this one broadcasts its credentials by being a rather garish shade of emerald. The Standby Buster is designed to switch off all your lingering electrical appliances in one fell zap, so your house isn't sprinkled with red LEDs and you don't have to faff about turning things off one by one. It uses radio frequency rather than infra-red so it doesn't interfere with anything you want leaving on. You can set up different 'zones' to control several of your deelies with one button on the 'Buster. It's approved by the Energy Saving Trust, and will probably save you expelling your own energy too.
Anya Hindmarch Be A Bag
From £195
Be A Bag bags are made for you by guaranteed non-sweatshop workers (probably) via the blitheringly sought-after Anya Hindmarch. Pick your favourite pic (providing it's not a tattered old passport snap, or a page out of Heat showing Jake Gyllenhaal looking winsome), bung it over to them and it'll be back to you in shapely designer bag form in about as many weeks as 'Umbrella' spent at number one. (The deadline for Christmas orders is 5th October, so shift your bum if you want one.) There's a pretty wide range of baggage to choose from including Paros [sic] or Rio in satin, or the humble shopper or weekend in canvas. The second two will set you back £215 apiece. Or there's always an iconic 'I'm Not A Plastic Bag' going for around £80 on eBay. Or you could donate the money to Greenpeace or something. Anyway - mmmm, bags.
Berman Center Lina Vibrating Pen
Obviously vibrators are now socially acceptable. Well, up to a point. A certain degree of feminine wiliness is still necessary to avoid those amusing encounters with bag inspectors at the airport. We've seen the buzzy things cunningly disguised as lipstick – now behold the Lina Vibrating Pen. The thing is that it's actually an actual proper pen, that writes and everything. It's got a removable silicone sleeve, which you'd probably have to remember to remove before using the pen for its less sexy purpose. Also it's probably not possible to multitask, as it were. At least, not if you want that note to your flatmate asking them to get a pint of semi-skimmed to be at all legible.
Win an awesome Samsung F210 Purple phone, and Girls Aloud tickets!
It's more than a mobile music icon, it's the ultimate fashion accessory for music lovers everywhere, and comes with a limited edition Girls Aloud 1GB memory card, packed with their latest track ‘Sexy No No No!’, videos, music and other goodies exclusive to Phones 4 U.
Small enough to fit in the tiniest of handbags, the Samsung F210 squeezes in a top of the range music player as well as a 2 megapixel camera. Its chic, lipstick-sized design means girls can have the latest technology while keeping up with fashion’s current taste for the colour purple. What's more, with Girls Aloud already flashing the phone in public, it's the ‘must-have’ item for Autumn.
We're offering fans of Girls Aloud two pairs of tickets to ‘The Power of Purple’, an exclusive and private performance by the Girls to celebrate Samsung F210 purple's launch. Held at the fabulous celeb hangout Sketch on Wednesday 17 October, 7.30-11.00 pm. But that’s not all – the winner will also receive a fab new Samsung F210. Attendees must be 18 or over. To be in with a chance of winning, click here to send us an e-mail, being sure to include your phone number.
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